The 3 Pillars of Happiness, Finding Balance and Stop "Going Through the Motions"

       Have you ever wondered what it takes to find true happiness and fulfillment in life? Do you often feel like something is missing, you wasted a day, or you're just "going through the motions"? The secret? It's all about intentionally engaging in something physical, spiritual, and mental every single day. Trust me, incorporating these three elements into your daily routine will bring you closer to that elusive sense of contentment you've been yearning for.

     First things first, let's talk about the physical pillar.

   It's no secret that our bodies are incredible machines designed to move and groove. So, get up off that couch! Engaging in physical activity is not only great for your health, but it also releases those sweet endorphins that boost your mood. Whether it's going for a run, hitting the gym, dancing like nobody's watching, or even taking a leisurely stroll in nature, find an activity that gets your blood pumping and makes you feel alive. 

    The key here is that it has to be intentional and outside your normal routine. For this to work, it cannot be something you already do daily (walking a lot at work or lifting packages at work does not count). If you're finding it difficult to start, start small! It's the act of doing something that triggers the endorphins. And if you incorporate this daily, you will notice you will stack habits more and more. Be okay with just a small amount of physical activity and if the tempo wants you to do more, then give in and do more! You don't need to start doing an hour at the gym every single day. Just start doing something every day

     For us, we started doing 5 push-ups and 5 squats a day. There were some nights that we got home late at work and did not do anything physical (having physically demanding jobs). Those nights we would look at each other and say, it's just 5 push-ups and 5 squats and it would literally take 3 minutes. Then there were days that we would do 5 push-ups and 5 sit ups and it would lead us to doing a full workout. We even mix it up time and time and make it a point to at least walk a circle around the neighborhood. 

     Now, let's dive into the spiritual pillar.

   Spirituality means different things to different people, so don't worry, this isn't about joining a religious cult or meditating on a mountaintop (although, if that's your thing, go for it!). Spiritual fulfillment can be found in a variety of ways, such as connecting with nature, practicing mindfulness, engaging in acts of kindness, or exploring your own beliefs and values. Take a moment each day to reflect, express gratitude, or engage in activities that nourish your soul and bring you a sense of inner peace.


For us, we made it a habit to meditate and reflect every night. Before we go to bed, we spend just a few minutes saying 3 things we are grateful for. Sometimes, we'll also listen to a guided meditation on YouTube or Spotify as we're falling asleep. This works wonders! Some other ways that we often do is to take a walk in nature, sitting on our back porch and just listening to the birds for 5 minutes, or having a deep connection with a friend over coffee (just make sure it's more than surface level, you want to really be connecting with them). A prayer is also a great way to engage in the spiritual pillar, just make sure you're genuine and part of it is expressing gratitude. 

     Last but not least, let's focus on the mental pillar.

   Your mind is a powerful tool, and it's crucial to give it some love and attention. Engaging in mental activities not only keeps your brain sharp but also helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. This could include reading a thought-provoking book, solving puzzles or riddles, learning something new, journaling your thoughts, or even engaging in stimulating conversations with others. The key is to stimulate your mind and expand your horizons regularly.


    Again, this has to be non-work related. For this to work, you need to go out of your way to expand your mental pillar. Having trouble starting? Grab a self help or informational book and commit to reading just one page. That's right, just one page. One page is enough to trigger this pillar and you'll find that very often, it will be very hard to stop at one page. 

      Keep in mind these few points: 

  1. Each activity has to be intentional, outside of your daily routine.
  2. You CAN start small. You don't have to shoot for the moon. Start small and work your way up. As long as you are making a point and committing daily, you will notice a huge change. 
  3. TikTok and social media do not count. For this to work, you cannot use social media or TikTok to support your mental, physical, or spiritual pillar. These will have more of a negative effect on your progress. 

     So, there you have it, the three pillars of happiness: physical, spiritual, and mental. Remember, it's all about intentionality. Incorporating these elements into your daily routine will help you feel more fulfilled, connected, and in tune with yourself. Once you master these 3 pillars, you can add so much more and transform to an even greater version of yourself.

     So, get moving, nurture your spirit, and challenge your mind. Embrace these pillars, and watch as happiness becomes your constant companion on this incredible journey called life. Don't believe us? Try it consistently for 2 weeks and come back, we love hearing your success stories!

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